Sugar is a class of carbohydrates that tastes sweet. It is also a quick and easy fuel for the body to use. Some types of sugar are lactose, glucose, fructose, and sucrose.
Sugar has a bittersweet reputation when it comes to health. Sugar occurs naturally in all foods that contain carbohydrates, such as fruits and vegetables, grains, and dairy. Consuming whole foods that contain natural sugar is okay. Plant foods also have high amounts of fiber, essential minerals, and antioxidants, and dairy foods contain protein and calcium.
Effects of Sugar to Human Health
1. Sugar increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
While we all like to indulge once in a while, foods that quickly affect blood sugar contribute to a greater risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. connections between these high-glycemic diets and various forms of cancer. These effects are often a result of added sugars working in your body, so be sure to read those nutrition labels.2. Premature Ageing
Excessive sugar consumption can cause long-term damage to skin proteins, collagen and elastin, leading to premature wrinkles and ageing. Too much sugar could also contribute to an imbalance of the female menstrual hormones which could result in acne along the jaw line. Sugar is also the favourite food of less desirable gut bacteria and yeast, and consuming too much could lead to an imbalanced gut flora and inflammation in the body, typically seen in skin conditions such as eczema.
3. Low energy
Foods high in added sugar quickly spike blood sugar and insulin levels, leading to increased energy. Products that are loaded with sugar but lacking in protein, fiber or fat lead to a brief energy boost that’s quickly followed by a sharp drop in blood sugar, often referred to as a crash
Having constant blood sugar swings can lead to major fluctuations in energy levels . To avoid this energy-draining cycle, choose carb sources that are low in added sugar and rich in fiber.
4. cause blood glucose to spike and plummet
Unstable blood sugar often leads to mood swings, fatigue, headaches and cravings for more sugar. Cravings set the stage for a cycle of addiction in which every new hit of sugar makes you feel better temporarily but, a few hours later, results in more cravings and hunger. On the flip side, those who avoid sugar often report having little or no cravings for sugary things and feeling emotionally balanced and energized.
5. Tooth Decay
With all the other life-threatening effects of sugar, we sometimes forget the most basic damage it does. When it sits on your teeth, it creates decay more efficiently than any other food substance8. For a strong visual reminder, next time the Tooth Fairy visits, try the old tooth-in-a-glass-of-Coke experiment—the results will surely convince you that sugar isn’t good for your pearly whites.
6. Increases Stress
When we’re under stress, our stress hormone levels rise; these chemicals are the body’s fight-or-flight emergency crew, sent out to prepare the body for an attack or an escape. These chemicals are also called into action when blood sugar is low. For example, after a blood-sugar spike (say, from eating a piece of birthday cake), there’s a compensatory dive, which causes the body to release stress hormones such as adrenaline, epinephrine and cortisol. One of the main things these hormones do is raise blood sugar, providing the body with a quick energy boost. The problem is, these helpful hormones can make us feel anxious, irritable and shaky.
7. Causes Cancer
cancer is caused by uncontrolled growth and multiplication of
cells, and insulin is one of the key hormones regulating this sort of growth. Many scientists
believe that constantly elevated levels of insulin can therefore contribute to cancer. In
addition, increased sugar consumption can lead to increased inflammation as a result of
metabolic problems, and this in turn can be another potential cause of cancer.
8. Liver Overload
liver takes the brunt of the sugary influx. If you eat excessive amounts, the sugar can overload the liver. As the sugar breaks down in the liver, it turns into glucose and fructose.
In small quantities and in natural forms, such as the sugar in fresh fruit, a healthy liver is easily able to turn the fructose into
glycogen, which is then stored until the body needs it. Everything runs smoothly.
9. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children.