Red Room Teasers February 2022

Red Room Teasers February 2022


We (Zaupdates Team) pleased to keep you updated about Red Room Teasers February 2022


Monday 3 January 2022
Episode 129

Kumru talks about how she had Duru and Fahri get involved to protect them. We see she couldn’t trust him at first after all she had been through because of men coming into her life. But Fahri is different, he is an honest and decent man and Kumru saw it thanks to Gümü.

Tuesday 4 January 2022
Episode 130

It is obvious that Kumru is healed. Kumru wants to be honest with Fahri and tell him everything but we learn that Fahri already knows her past. He loves her just the way she is and does not care about her past.

Wednesday 5 January 2022
Episode 131

Nazli’s journey to find herself comes to an end. She has become a free woman who can stand on her own feet and doesn’t need approval from people. She is in peace with herself now. After her last session with the doctor, she leaves the clinic for a new start in her life.

There is a new beginning also for Piraye and Deniz. Piraye finally accepts Deniz’s proposal. Both of them are excited about this new beginning.

Thursday 6 January 2022
Episode 132

Sadi tells the doctor about his days with Shipboy. They are taken to Abdullah’s place in order to work for him. However, the two buddies find a way to stay away from Abdullah’s dirty jobs. Also Shipboy is a wounded child-like Sadi. He is kicked out by his mother who is working in a nightclub.

Friday 7 January 2022
Episode 133

Piraye and Deniz are getting ready to say goodbye to the clinic.

Dr. Manolya has two new clients. Zafer Karahanolu and his wife Nihal Karahanolu. During their first sessions, they talk about their marriage and tell completely different things. Nihal gives the impression that they are very happy while Zafer tells that he is very unhappy.

Monday 10 January 2022
Episode 134

Zafer starts to talk about himself and as he is talking we feel like we are diving into 1001 Arabian Nights tales. Unlike Nihal, his family is a rich, powerful family coming from Ottoman Empire. He mentions his loneliness in his marriage and also why he married to Nihal. We’ll see how things will go for this couple.

After Nazli, Recai wants to see the doctor. He is miserable after their breakup. He wants the doctor to heal him just like she healed Nazli.

Tuesday 11 January 2022
Episode 135
Series finale!

As Recai is talking about his childhood we feel sympathy for him since he had hard times and we understand that he made Nazli worthless since people made him that way when he was a child. But he looks determined to make a new start like Nazli.

The clinic personnel throws a farewell party for Deniz and Piraye before they leave. They send them for their new life while they can’t stop their tears.

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