Fiji National University (FNU) Programmes – Degree, Diploma Diploma Programmes

Fiji National University (FNU) Programmes

Fiji National University (FNU) Programmes


Here on this Educative Page, We gladly inform you about Fiji National University (FNU) Programmes, Fiji National University (FNU) Post Graduate Programmes, Fiji National University (FNU) Degree Programmes, Fiji National University (FNU) Diploma Programmes & Fiji National University (FNU) DiplomaProgrammes.



Doctor of Philosophy

Executive Masters in Business Administration

Master by Research

Master in Climate Change, Resilience and Mitigation

Master of Applied Epidemiology (Quota Based)

Master of Arts in Social Policy

Master of Commerce in Accounting

Master of Commerce in Entrepreneurship and Management

Master of Education/ Master of Arts in Education

Master of Engineering (Maintenance Engineering)

Master of Health Services Management (Quota Based)

Master of Medicine in Anaesthesia (Quota Based)

Master of Medicine in Dermatology (Quota Based)

Master of Medicine in Emergency Medicine (Quota Based)

Master of Medicine in Family Medicine (Quota Based)

Master of Medicine in Internal Medicine (Quota Based)

Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Quota Based)

Master of Medicine in Ophthalmology (Quota Based)

Master of Medicine in Paediatrics (Quota Based)

Master of Medicine in Surgery (Quota Based)

Master of Nursing (Emergency Nursing) (Quota Based)

Master of Oral Surgery (Quota Based)

Master of Professional Accounting [CPA]

Master of Public Health (Quota Based)

Master of Public Health in Non – Communicable Diseases (Quota Based)

Master of Science in Agriculture

Master of Science in Biology

Master of Science in Environmental Science and Management

Master of Science in Mathematics

Master of Science in Physics

Master of Sexual and Reproductive Health (Quota Based)

Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science and Management

Postgraduate Certificate in Field Epidemiology (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)

Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting

Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Nursing Practice (Nurse Practitioner) (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Anaesthesia (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Epidemiology (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Biology

Postgraduate Diploma in Chemistry

Postgraduate Diploma in Child Health (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Climate Change, Resilience and Mitigation

Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Public Health (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Dermatology (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Economics

Postgraduate Diploma in Education

Postgraduate Diploma in Emergency Medicine (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Management

Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Health (Disaster Management) (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Health (Food Safety Management) (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Eye Care (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Food Science & Technology

Postgraduate Diploma in Health Promotion (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Health Research (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Health Services Management (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Human Nutrition (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Internal Medicine (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Linguistics (PGDL)

Postgraduate Diploma in Literary Studies

Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Non – Communicable Diseases (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Emergency Nursing) (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Leadership and Management (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Ophthalmology (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Oral Surgery (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Pathology (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Physics

Postgraduate Diploma in Physiotherapy (Rehabilitation) (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Mathematics)

Postgraduate Diploma in Sexual and Reproductive Health (Quota Based)

Postgraduate Diploma in Social Policy

Postgraduate Diploma in Surgery (Quota Based)



Bachelor of Accounting

Bachelor of Applied Social Science

Bachelor of Arts (Education) in Counselling

Bachelor of Arts (Language and Literature)

Bachelor of Commerce Finance and Law

Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Marketing

Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Finance

Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management

Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Information System

Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Management

Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Marketing

Bachelor of Commerce in Banking and Economics

Bachelor of Commerce in Banking and Finance

Bachelor of Commerce in Banking and Industrial Relations, Human Resource Management

Bachelor of Commerce in Banking and Information System

Bachelor of Commerce in Banking and Management

Bachelor of Commerce in Banking and Marketing

Bachelor of Commerce in Economics and Finance

Bachelor of Commerce in Economics and Industrial Relations, Human Resource Management

Bachelor of Commerce in Economics and Information System

Bachelor of Commerce in Economics and Management

Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Industrial Relations, Human Resource Management

Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Information System

Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Management

Bachelor of Commerce in Industrial Relations, Human Resource Management and Information System

Bachelor of Commerce in Industrial Relations, Human Resource Management and Management

Bachelor of Commerce in Industrial Relations, Human Resource Management and Marketing

Bachelor of Commerce in Information System and Management

Bachelor of Commerce in Information System and Marketing

Bachelor of Commerce in Management and Marketing

Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing and Economics

Bachelor of Commerce Laws and Accounting

Bachelor of Commerce Laws and Economics

Bachelor of Commerce Laws and Management

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Dietetics and Nutrition (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Education (Primary)_Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Accounting and Economics) _Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Agricultural Science)_Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Biology and Chemistry)_Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (English and Geography)_Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (English and History) _Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (English and iTaukei) _Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (English, Hindi) _Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Geography and History) _Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Home Economics) _Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Industrial Arts) _Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Mathematics and Computer Science)_Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Mathematics and Information Systems) _Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Mathematics and Physics)_Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Physical Education and Art and Craft) _Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Physical Education and Music) _Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Physics and Computer Science) _Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Physics and Information System) _Nasinu/Labasa campus only offered for In_Service Teachers

Bachelor of Education (Specialist in TVET)

Bachelor of Education Early Childhood

Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) with Honours (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) with Honours (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electronics/ Telecommunication & Networking)

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electronics/Instrumentation & Control)

Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) with Honours (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Environmental Health (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Health Promotion (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Health Services Management (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Hospitality and Hotel Management

Bachelor of Information Systems

Bachelor of Laws

Bachelor of Library and Information Systems

Bachelor of Media and Communication

Bachelor of Medical Imaging Science (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Nursing (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Oral Health (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Pharmacy (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Public Health (Quota Based)

Bachelor of Science (Biology/Chemistry)

Bachelor of Science (Biology/Mathematics)

Bachelor of Science (Biology/Physics)

Bachelor of Science (Chemistry/Mathematics)

Bachelor of Science (Computer Science and Information Systems)

Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management)

Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)

Bachelor of Science (Food Technology)

Bachelor of Science (Food Technology/Biology)

Bachelor of Science (Food Technology/Chemistry)

Bachelor of Science (Physics/Chemistry)

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Bachelor of Science in Animal Science

Bachelor of Science in Fisheries

Bachelor of Science in Forestry

Bachelor of Sports Education and Exercise Science

Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (Honours)

Graduate Certificate in Education




Diploma in Library and Information Systems (Level 6) [previously known as Higher Education Diploma in Library and Information Systems]

Diploma in Management (Level 6) [previously known as Higher Education Diploma in Management]

Diploma in Marine Engineering

Diploma in Marketing (Level 6) [previously known as Higher Education Diploma in Marketing]

Diploma in Nautical Science

Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety (Level 5)

Diploma in Office Administration (Level 5) [previously known as Trade Diploma in Office Administration]

Diploma in Public Health (Level 6) Quota Based

Diploma in Quantity Surveying (Level 6)

Diploma in Restaurant Operations (Level 5) [previously known as Trade Diploma in Restaurant Operations]

Diploma in Special and Inclusive Education

Diploma in Sports Science (Level 5)

Diploma in Transport Technology and Management (Roads) (Level 6)

Trade Diploma in Agriculture

Trade Diploma in Agroforestry

Trade Diploma in Animal Husbandry

Trade Diploma in Applied Fisheries

Trade Diploma in Aquaculture

Trade Diploma in Forestry

Trade Diploma in Wood Processing, Value Adding




Certificate in Economics (Level 5) [previously known as Higher Education Certificate in Economics]

Accounting and Financial Management


Automotive Electrical Electronics

Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Economics

Bachelor of Science (Computer Science and Mathematics)

Baking and Patisserie

Basic Training for Oil & Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations

Beauty Therapy & Hairdressing

Boat Masters

Bridge Resources Management

Cabinet Making & Joinery Modules

Carpentry Trade Modules

Certificate III in Commercial Agriculture

Certificate in Accounting (Level 5) [previously known as Higher Education Certificate in Accounting]

Certificate in Ageing and Community Support Care (Leve 4)

Certificate in Agricultural Engineering (Level 3)

Certificate in Agricultural Engineering (Level 4)

Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (Avionics) (Level 4) (Quota Based)

Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (Mechanical) (Level 4) (Quota Based)

Certificate in Automotive Body Works (Level 3)

Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Automotive Light Machinery) (Level 4)

Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Heavy Commercial Vehicle) (Level 4)

Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Heavy Mobile Plant) (Level 4)

Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Level 3)

Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Light Motor Vehicle) (Level 4)

Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Motor Vehicle Electrical & Electronics) (Level 4)

Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Panel and Paints) (Level 4)

Certificate in Baking & Patisserie (Level 3) [previously known as Certificate III in Baking & Patisserie]

Certificate in Baking & Patisserie (Level 4) [previously known as Certificate IV in Baking & Patisserie]

Certificate in Banking (Level 4) [previously known as Certificate IV in Banking]

Certificate in Banking (Level 5) [previously known as Higher Education Certificate in Banking]

Certificate in Biomedical Engineering (Level 4)

Certificate in Carpentry (Level 3)

Certificate in Carpentry (Level 4)

Certificate in Clinical Laboratory Technology (Level 5) Quota Based

Certificate in Community Nutrition (Level 4) Quota Based

Certificate in Cookery (Level 3) [previously known as Certificate III in Cookery]

Certificate in Cookery (Level 4) [previously known as Certificate IV in Cookery]

Certificate in Customs (Level 4) [previously known as Certificate IV in Customs]

Certificate in Dental Assisting (Level 4) Quota Based

Certificate in Electrical Engineering (Level 4)

Certificate in Electronics Engineering (Level 4)

Certificate in Engineering (Electrical) (Level 3)

Certificate in Engineering (Electronics) (Level 3)

Certificate in Enrolled Nursing (Level 4) Quota Based

Certificate in Fabrication and Welding (Level 3)

Certificate in Fabrication and Welding (Level 4)

Certificate in Film and Television (Level 4)

Certificate in Fitting and Machining (Level 3)

Certificate in Fitting and Machining (Level 4)

Certificate in Front Office Operations (Level 3) [previously known as Certificate III in Front Office Operations]

Certificate in Front Office Operations (Level 4) [previously known as Certificate IV in Front Office Operations]

Certificate in Geology, Mining and Quarrying (Level 4)

Certificate in Graphic Arts (Level 4)

Certificate in Graphic Design (Level 4)

Certificate in Hair Dressing (Level 3)

Certificate in Housekeeping & Accommodation Operation (Level 4) [previously known as Certificate IV in Housekeeping & Accommodation Operation]

Certificate in Housekeeping & Accommodation Operations (Level 3) [previously known as Certificate III in Housekeeping & Accommodation Operations]

Certificate in Information Technology (Level 4)

Certificate in Joinery and Cabinet Making (Level 3)

Certificate in Joinery and Cabinet Making (Level 4)

Certificate in Library and Information Systems (Level 5) [previously known as Higher Education Certificate in Library and Information System]s

Certificate in Management (Level 5) [previously known as Higher Education Certificate in Management]

Certificate in Manufacturing Engineering (Level 4)

Certificate in Music (Level 4)

Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (Level 4)

Certificate in Office Administration (Level 4) [previously known as Certificate IV in Office Administration]

Certificate in Office Assistance (Level 3) [previously knowns as Certificate III in Office Assistance]

Certificate in Phlebotomy (Level 5) Quota Based

Certificate in Plant Maintenance (Level 3)

Certificate in Plant Maintenance Engineering (Level 4)

Certificate in Plumbing and Sheetmetal (Level 3)

Certificate in Plumbing and Sheetmetal (Level 4)

Certificate in Public Health (Level 5) Quota Based

Certificate in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (Level 4)

Certificate in Restaurant Services (Level 3) [previously known as Certificate III in Restaurant Services]

Certificate in Restaurant Services (Level 4) [previously known as Certificate IV in Restaurant Services]

Certificate in Sports Science (Level 4)

Certificate in Teaching of TVET (Level 5)

Certificate in Universal Treatment for Substance Use Disorders (Level 4) Quota Based

Certificate IV in Horticulture

CISCO Certified Network Associate

Class 6 Master/Engineer – Full For Territorial Waters

Commercial Cookery

CompTIA Modules

Computing Skill Courses

Core Electrical Courses

Creative Thinking and Innovation

Crowd Management

Diploma in Information Technology – Networking

Electronic Chart Display Information System

Engine Room Resource Management

Engine Room Resources Management Awareness

Environmental Management and Green Productivity

Ethics and Anti-Corruption in Oceania

Fashion and Design

Food Safety Management

Foundation Science

Foundation Social Science

Front Office and Customer Relation

Global Maritime Distress and Safety System – General Operator\’s Certificate

Global Maritime Distress and Safety System – General Operator\’s Certificate Revalidation

Global Maritime Distress And Safety System – Restricted Operator\’s Certificate

Global Maritime Distress and Safety System – Restricted Operator\’s Certificate Revalidation

Hairdressing & Beauty Therapy Short Courses

Handling Dangerous Goods in Ports

Heavy Automotive

Housekeeping and Accommodation Service

Human Resource Courses

Industrial and Systems Engineering

Industrial Controls

Light Automotive

Maintenance and Diagnostics

Management, Supervisory and Special Events

Marketing, Sales, Customer Service Solutions

Medical Care

Microsoft Office Courses

Occupational Health and Safety

Operate Small Boat

Plumbing & Sheet Metal Workplace Safety

Preliminary Science

Preparatory Course for Able Seafarer Engine

Preparatory Course for Basic Sea Safety

Preparatory Course for Deck Watch Rating

Preparatory Course for Deckhand Fishing

Preparatory Course for Engine Room Rating

Prerequisite Courses

Proficiency In Advanced Fire Fighting

Proficiency In Elementary First Aid

Proficiency In Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting

Proficiency In Medical First Aid

Proficiency In Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities

Proficiency In Personal Survival Techniques

Proficiency In Ports Facility Security Officer

Proficiency In Security Awareness

Proficiency In Security Training for Seafarers With Designated Security Duties

Proficiency In Ship Security Officer

Proficiency In Survival Craft & Rescue Boat Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Project Management

Quality Service Courses

Recreation and Tourism

Refresher Course for Advanced Safety Training

Refresher Course for Basic Safety Training

Refresher Course for Deck Officer – Management Level

Refresher Course for Deck Officer – Operational Level

Refresher Course for Engineer Officer – Management Level

Refresher Course for Engineer Officer – Operational Level

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Renewable Energy

Restaurant Operations

Rewinding Courses

Specialised Electrical Courses

Specialised IT Certificate Courses

Specialised Management Courses

The minimized option

Training and Development

Training of Trainers

Travel and Tourism

Welding and Fabrication




AllCollege of Agriculture
Fisheries and ForestryCollege of Business
Hospitality and Tourism StudiesCollege of Engineering
Science and TechnologyCollege of Humanities
EducationCollege of Medicine
Nursing and Health Sciences
National Training
Productivity CentreFiji Maritime Academy


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