All Saints Hospital Nursing School | How to Apply

All Saints Hospital Nursing School Application, Requirements, Contact Details & Prospectus



We are delighted to keep you updated on All Saints Hospital Nursing School Online Application, All Saints Hospital Nursing School Application Form, All Saints Hospital Nursing School Entry Requirements, Prospectus, Admission portal, and Contact Detail which are all available on this Educative Page

We hope you enjoy and benefit from All Saints Hospital Nursing School’s bachelor’s degree, diploma, higher certificate, postgraduate advanced diploma in nursing, and midwifery programs. If you have any questions or concerns about your studies, please contact the administration; we will gladly assist you.



Lilitha College of Nursing was established by the Education and Training of Nurses and Midwives Act 4 of 2003. The intent of the Act was to:

  • Repeal the different pieces of apartheid legislation that established the different Nursing Colleges in the Eastern Cape Province;
  • Establish one single College with five (5) main campuses and nineteen (19) Sub-campuses distributed throughout the Eastern Cape Province and strategically positioned to meet nurse training demands of the EC health system;

Programmes offered are based on the demands and priorities of the health system and demographics of the EC Province. The college offers both basic and post-basic nursing programmes including specialist programmes. It has consistently produced large volumes of nurses to be permanently allocated to the clinical services for the province. The college embraces academic excellence in learning where generations of disciplinary knowledge are entrusted into nursing practice, research regarding human experiences of health, illness and healing, utilising Community-Based and Evidence-Based practice focusing on holistic relationship centred around a caring approach which facilitates the well being of individuals.


What Does All Saints Hospital Nursing School Unique?

  • Obtain certified training.
  • We provide qualified educators in a secure and safe setting.
  • Before entering the clinical environment, you can practice your clinical skills in our well-equipped simulation laboratory.


South Africa Nursing Annual Fees Structure




The All Saints Hospital Nursing School and the South African Nursing Council (SANC) have launched an online admission application form for potential students interested in attending the All Saints Hospital Nursing School for the academic year.

The All Saints Hospital Nursing School provides training in collaboration with a variety of private and public hospitals and community institutions, allowing students to obtain practical experience under the supervision of our Educators and Registered Nurses.

Every student enrolled in any of the All Saints Hospital Nursing School’s programs of study must carefully read, comprehend, and follow the instructions which are available on the SANC and Groote Schuur Hospital Nursing School websites.




Applications are accepted either online or through e-mail at [email protected] with the PDF version. You can start your application now by choosing below which program you are looking for.

The online applications are carefully reviewed by our admissions department and considerations or requirements are made after the analysis of the documentation submitted by the students during the application process.

If something is missing or if we believe that you are a better fit for a program different from which you applied for, our team will contact you. Don’t worry, we got you.





Accommodation is a challenge. Some learners stay in the nurse’s home, others are staying outside due to accommodation problems. Those that are staying outside use public transport (taxis)

Student Activities

  • Welcoming ceremonies
  • Farewell functions
  • Sport activities
  • Music Concerts


Student Support and Medical Services

We utilize the hospital counseling services and make use of hospital medical services and clinics


Jobs and Careers

Career exhibitions staged at the neighboring high schools so that learners who are interested in joining the profession may know the requirements to qualify for admission.


The Local SRC structure

There is a Student Representative Council in the Campus


Outreach Programmes

Students are sent to the surrounding communities for Community Based Education



Grades are not the only criteria for acceptance. Although the greatest weight is placed upon a student’s scholastic record, there are many additional factors that are taken into consideration during the admission process. Interviews facilitate the admission process and help the admission committee to determine a student’s demeanor, educational level, and degree of commitment. Prospective students and applicants are encouraged to present a strong case for themselves by outlining their work or volunteer experience, community contributions and scholastic achievements in their personal essays and by providing strong letters of recommendation. Motivation and perseverance are some of the attributes considered when selecting an applicant.

In general, all applicants to the MD degree programs of the University are required to possess college, high school or University grades required for admission into medical school in their countries of origin or from where they are applying. For instance, applicants from Commonwealth or Caribbean countries applying for admission into the 5-year MD degree program are required to provide, at the minimum proof of credit level passes in GCE “O” and GCE “A” Level or CXC in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and English.

For admission into the 4-year MD degree program, all applicants are required to submit their College or University transcripts of academic records indicating successful completion of at least 90 credit hours in courses such as General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, BiologyZoology, and  Mathematics in addition to courses in liberal arts or social sciences. Additionally, applicants from the United States applying into the 4-year MD degree program should submit their MCAT scores.

Further details of the general admission requirements of the University MD degree programs are as follows:


4-Year MD Degree Program

Premedical requirements for admission into the 4-year MD degree program normally include University or College-level courses  as follows:

5-Year MD Degree Program

Students or applicants who do not possess the premedical prerequisites for admission into the 4-Year MD degree program highlighted above are encouraged to apply for admission into the 5-Year MD degree program of All Saints University School of Medicine.

Such applicants must possess a high school or secondary school diploma or certificate with credits in science subjects (i.e., chemistry, biology, and physics), mathematics or calculus, and English.



Students who are not Canadian or American students are considered international students. Equivalent qualifications for university admissions in their respective countries will be acceptable. Applicants will be evaluated on an individual basis. All Saints University has a growing population of international students (students who are not from the United States or Canada), including students from Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belize, Botswana, Brazil, Cameroon, Columbia, Germany, Ghana, India, Israel, Jamaica, Malawi, Nigeria, Norway, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, the United Kingdom etc.

A TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) examination score may be required from applicants from countries where English is not an official language.




All Saints Hospital Nursing School FEES STRUCTURE 

SANC fees booklet, examination costs, residential fees, fees statement, quote fees, financing booklet, student fees, payment processes, funding, banking details, and other fees levied for the  academic year.



The fees and fines payable to the South African Nursing Council are regulated by the Regulations regarding Fees and Fines payable to the South African Nursing Council published by Government Notice No. R.170 of 8 March 2013 (as amended).

The amounts payable for the various fees are published by Notice in the Government Gazette – as and when the fee amounts are amended.  A list of the currently applicable notices can be found at the bottom of this web page.

  1. If you want to pay your Annual Fees, go to the Annual Fees page.

  2. If you want to pay for the Restoration of your name to the register, go to the Restorations page.

  3. If you want to purchase Distinguishing Devices, go to the Distinguishing Devices page.



The information below applies to all other payments to SANC, and specifically to making payments into SANC’s bank account.  SANC encourages all clients to make use of its reference deposit bank account for all payments as the most cost and time-effective method of making such payments.


South African Nursing Council prefers all payments to be made into its Reference Deposit Bank Account.  This account has been specially set up so that the details of the payer and the purpose for which the payment is made can be captured by the bank – which will significantly speed up the time taken to process payments.

The SANC’s Reference Deposit Bank Account details are as follows:

Council Bank Details:

Bank Name:First National Bank
Branch Name:Corporate Core Banking – Pretoria
Branch Code:253145
Account Name:S A Nursing Council No 2 Account
Account Number:514 211 86 193


While payments into this account can be made in person at any branch of FNB (First National Bank), electronic means such as Internet banking, cell phone banking, and ATM payments can also be used.  Some of these require that a payment beneficiary be set up on your bank/card account.  Please consult your own bank if you need any assistance in setting up a beneficiary.

Standard Bank clients should please select the option for paying a business account.  When asked to enter the name of the beneficiary, you should enter ‘S A Nursing Council’ – please note the SPACE between the ‘S’ and the ‘A’ otherwise you will not see SANC’s details listed.

The special feature of this reference deposit account is that it has the ability to capture the payer’s account number and a payment type code in the Reference details.

This information is verified (in the correct format) if paying at any FNB branch or when using FNB online banking.  Standard Bank’s system will insist on and only permit the account number to be captured.  For all other methods of electronic payments, it is up to the person making the payment to ensure that the correct information is provided.


See also: South African Nursing Council Examination Schedule




No matter what method of payment you choose, albeit at an FNB branch or some form of electronic banking, you must please ensure that the deposit reference is correctly filled in.  The reference consists of two parts:

  1. Your SANC account number (8 digits); and
  2. A payment type code (7 CAPITAL LETTERS) – written immediately after the account number.

The following line is an example of what a correct reference will look like:


In this example, ‘12345678‘ is the account number and ‘ANLFEES‘ is the payment type code.  You will notice that the reference is always 15 characters long.

PLEASE NOTE that the above reference is only an example and you should not use the above details for making any payment (it will be rejected by the bank).  You must use your own reference number as the account number and choose the appropriate payment type code from the list given below.

STEP 1:  Check and write down your SANC account number.  This is the same as your SANC reference number which is always 8 digits long and starts with a ‘1’.

STEP 2:  Determine the appropriate payment type code from the list below and write it immediately after your SANC account number.  Do NOT leave a space between your account number and the payment type code

This is your correct reference to be used for this payment.  (Any future payments will use the same account number but the payment type code may change according to the purpose for which payment is being made.)




Physical Address

All Saints Hospital

Postal Address

All Saints Hospital
Private Bag x215

Contact Details

Mrs Mapoma (Satellite Head)
Tel:      047 548 4007

Email:  [email protected]



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