Assam Rifles Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2024/2025

For their ultimate selection for positions in the Assam Rifles Group B and C Technical and Tradesmen, candidates must pass a variety of tests, including the Physical Standards Test (PET) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET), a written exam, a trade test, and a medical examination.
Those who plan to take the Assam Rifles Recruitment 2024 exam should consult the comprehensive Assam Rifles Syllabus and Exam Pattern that have been outlined in the article’s lower portion. Read all of the information to learn about the selection procedure, exam format, subject-specific subjects, scoring guidelines, PST/PET requirements, and much more.
Assam Rifles Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023 for Group B & C

Assam Rifles Syllabus 2024 

The Office of the Directorate General Assam Rifles has announced to conduct Assam Rifles Exam 2024 from 01st May 2024 onwards at various centers which will take around 20-30 days to complete the recruitment process. Check a glimpse of the Assam Rifles Syllabus 2024 from the below table.


Read also: Assam Rifles Recruitment 2024  

Assam Rifles Selection Process 2024

The selection of the eligible candidates for Assam Rifles Recruitment 2024 will be done on the basis of their performance in the 5 stage selection process. To ensure the name on the merit list, the candidate has to score maximum marks in all the tests. Merely qualifying for all the tests doesn’t guarantee final selection. The final selection of the candidate will be based on the position acquired by the candidate in the merit list in accordance with the availability of vacancies in the respective State and UT.

Stage 1. Physical Standard Test(PST)

Stage 2. Physical Efficiency Test(PET)

Stage 3. Written Examination

Stage 4. Trade Test(Skill Test)

Stage 5. Medical Examination

Assam Rifles Exam Pattern 2024

  1. There will be 100 MCQs from English Language, Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and General Awareness.
  2. Each section will have 25 questions and each question carries one mark.
  3. There will be no negative marking in Assam Rifles Written-test
  4. The written examination will be conducted in offline mode.
  5. The minimum passing mark for General/EWS candidates is 35%.
  6. The minimum passing mark for SC/ST/OBC candidates is 33%.
Assam Rifles Exam Pattern 2024
1English Language25252 hours 

(120 minutes)

2Reasoning Ability2525
3Quantitative Aptitude2525
4General Awareness2525

Assam Rifles Syllabus 2024 for Group B & C

The complete Assam Rifles Syllabus has been discussed below for each section. The candidates who are preparing for Assam Rifles Recruitment 2024 must refer to the subject-wise topics included in the Assam Rifles Syllabus from the below table.

Assam Rifles Physical Standard Test(PST)

In Physical Standard Test, the height of all candidates and the chest of only male candidates will be checked. There is a certain restriction on height which is given below in the table.

PST for Naib Subedar, Warrant Office (Veterinary Field Assistant, Radio Mechanic), 
Havildar (Operator Radio & Line), Rifleman
Categories/State RegionsHeight (Male)Chest (Male only)
Candidates except those mentioned below170 cm80 cm85 cm
Minimum Height of candidates falling into categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, and Marathas.
Candidates belonging to the states of Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, HP, Arunachal Pradesh,
Meghalaya, Kashmir, Leh & Ladakh divisions of JK states.
165 cm78 cm83 cm
Minimum Height of candidates belonging to ST162.5 cm76 cm81 cm
PST for Naib Subedar (Bridge & Road) Only
Categories/State RegionsHeight 
Chest (Male only)
Candidates except those mentioned below170 cm155 cm80 cm85 cm
Minimum Height of candidates falling into categories of  Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, and Marathas.
Candidates belonging to the states of HP, Leh & Ladakh, Kashmir Valley & North Eastern States
165 cm155 cm78 cm83 cm
Minimum Height of candidates belonging to ST162.5 cm150 cm76 cm81 cm
PST for Havildar (Clerk) only
Categories/State RegionsHeight 
Chest (Male only)
Candidates except those mentioned below165 cm155 cm77 cm82 cm
Minimum Height of candidates falling into categories of  Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas.
Candidates belonging to the states of Sikkim,  Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, HP, Arunachal Pradesh,
Meghalaya, Kashmir, Leh & Ladakh divisions of JK states.
162.5 cm150 cm77 cm82 cm
Minimum Height of candidates belonging to ST162.5 cm150 cm76 cm81 cm
PST for Rifleman (AYA) Para-Medical Female only
Categories/State RegionsHeight 
Candidates except those mentioned below157 cm
The minimum Height of candidates falls into categories of  Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas.
Candidates belonging to the states of Assam, HP & JK.
155 cm
Minimum Height of candidates belonging to ST except for the North Eastern States150 cm
Minimum Height of candidates from North Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland,
Sikkim, Tripura, Gorkha Territorial Administration comprising of three sub-division of Darjeeling District namely
Darjeeling, Kalimpong, and Kuresong.
152.5 cm
Minimum Height of candidates belonging to ST from North Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, and Left Wing Extremism affected districts.
147.5 cm

Assam Rifles Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

In the Physical Efficiency Test, the running capability of candidates will be checked. There are different criteria for running for both male and females which is given below in the table:

All India except Ladakh RegionMale5 km24 min
Female1.6 km8.30 min
Ladakh RegionMale1.6 km6.30 min
Female800 m4 min

Assam Rifles Syllabus: FAQs

Qus. Is there any negative marking in Assam Rifles written test?

Ans. No, there is no negative marking in Assam Rifles written test.

Qus. What is the Assam Rifles Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2024?

Ans. The complete & detailed Assam Rifles Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2024 has been discussed in the article.

Qus. Is Assam Rifles written test conducted in online mode?

Ans. No, Assam Rifles written test will be conducted in offline mode.


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