Bethesda Hospital Nursing School | How to Apply

Bethesda Hospital Nursing School Application, Requirements, Contact Details & Prospectus


We are delighted to keep you updated on Bethesda Hospital Nursing School Online Application, Bethesda Hospital Nursing School Application Form, Bethesda Hospital Nursing School Entry Requirements, Prospectus, Admission portal, and Contact Detail which are all available on this Educative Page

We hope you enjoy and benefit from Bethesda Hospital Nursing School’s bachelor’s degree, diploma, higher certificate, postgraduate advanced diploma in nursing, and midwifery programs. If you have any questions or concerns about your studies, please contact the administration; we will gladly assist you.

Bethesda Hospital Nursing School

Vision: Bethesda Hospital is the most desirable hospital to seek help from and to work for.

Mission: To develop people-centered district health services in the Bethesda catchment area where all persons have equal access to quality and comprehensive district health services, jobs, and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Core Values: Open communication, Transparency, Consultation, Commitment to performance and service excellence, Change and innovation

Services Offered Are At A Generalist Level To Inpatients And Outpatients

Trauma and emergency – 24hour services


Surgery & Orthopaedics

Obstetrics & Gynae


Dental/Oral Health Services

Mental health

Medical Social Work

Eye care & Cataract case finding

Rehabilitation services

Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy

Dietetic Services

Clinical support services

Laboratory services

X-ray services & Ultrasound

Colposcopy – Regional level

Primary Health Care Services

Gateway Clinic, 8 fixed clinic & 2 mobile clinics

Outreach programmes

Community and home-based activities

VCT & PMTCT sites & ARV programme (HIV/AIDS)


Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative

Community Health Workers

ARV rolled out



District EMRS (Ambulance Services)

District Medical Officers

Regional and Tertiary Hospitals

Social Welfare

Community Support Groups

NGO’s & CBO’s


Fire Department

District Municipality

What Does Bethesda Hospital Nursing School Unique?

  • Obtain certified training.
  • We provide qualified educators in a secure and safe setting.
  • Before entering the clinical environment, you can practice your clinical skills in our well-equipped simulation laboratory.

South Africa Nursing Annual Fees Structure

Bethesda Hospital Nursing School Application

The Bethesda Hospital Nursing School and the South African Nursing Council (SANC) have launched an online admission application form for potential students interested in attending the Bethesda Hospital Nursing School for the academic year.

The Bethesda Hospital Nursing School provides training in collaboration with a variety of private and public hospitals and community institutions, allowing students to obtain practical experience under the supervision of our Educators and Registered Nurses.

Every student enrolled in any of the Bethesda Hospital Nursing School’s programs of study must carefully read, comprehend, and follow the instructions which are available on the SANC and Groote Schuur Hospital Nursing School websites.

Bethesda Hospital Nursing School Prospectus 

The Bethesda Hospital Nursing School Prospectus contains what you need to find out about the institution’s admissions and application requirements. The Bethesda Hospital Nursing School Prospectus offers all of the information a prospective student needs to become a fully admitted student.

The Bethesda Hospital Nursing School Prospectus PDF Download contains information about the Bethesda Hospital Nursing School application form, courses, online application form, admission requirements, Handbook, Fees Schedule, how to calculate your points and other learning-related activities.

Admission Requirements For Bethesda Hospital Nursing School 

The following subject criteria are required:

• Senior Certificate: English HG D or SG C, Biology HG D or SG C, Mathematics HG D or SG C and an M score of 17

• National Senior Certificate: English Level 4, Life Sciences Level 4, Mathematics Level 4 or Maths Literacy Level 5, and an APS of 27 or more (Life Orientation counts half the score)

• National Vocational Certificate: 50% in Fundamental Subjects (English First Additional Language, Maths/Maths Literacy, Life Orientation) and 60% in the Vocational Subjects (SA Health Care System, Public Health, The Human Body and Mind and Community Oriented Primary Care)

• Current Grade 12 learners must meet the National Senior Certificate requirements in their Grade 11 final results.

National Senior Certificate

An English pass rate of at least 50% (level 4), A Life Sciences pass rate of at least 50% (level 4)

A minimum of 25 points is necessary to obtain admission to Phase 2.

For Foreign Students

1.1. There are prescribed requirements to be submitted to the South African Nursing Council before consideration for the training of foreign nurses

1.2. All candidates asking for recognition of previous nursing training must be registered/enrolled with the SANC prior to the commencement of the course.

1.3. SAQA evaluation certificate of the educational certificate of the candidate must be provided before commencement of the course.

1.4. The student must be approved by the South African Nursing Council (SANC)


Bachelor’S Degree In Nursing Sciences (Bcur)

Most public universities in South Africa provide a four-year bachelor’s degree in nursing, such as UCT, Wits, Stellies (only postgraduate), UP, UWC, NWU, UKZN, UNISA, and others. Both a practical clinical training component and a theoretical component are required for the degree. You can register with the SANC as a professional nurse and midwife after completing a BCur (or equivalent).

Entry Requirements

It is recommended that you take Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Life Sciences, but this is not compulsory at all institutions. You will need a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or equivalent qualification at exit level 4, with:

  • English (50-59%)
  • First additional or home language (50-59%)
  • Life Sciences (50-59%)
  • Maths Literacy (50-59%)
  • Life Orientation (50-59%)


The BCur usually prepares students to work in four specific fields:

  • general nursing (working in hospitals and medical practices)
  • community nursing
  • psychiatric nursing
  • midwifery (caring for mothers and babies)

A practical component will be included in your training. When you become a nurse, you will learn how to do the type of practical job that you will need to be able to accomplish.

You will learn the theory of what it means to be a nurse in the theoretical component, and you will study medical, biological, and natural sciences, psychological and social sciences, and pharmacology to ensure that you have the knowledge you need to be competent and successful healthcare professional.


These courses are often offered by universities of technology like DUT, TUT, VUT, and CPUT. This course is only three years long and also consists of practical and theoretical work. After you have completed this qualification you are able to work as a registered staff nurse or enrolled nurse.

Entry Requirements

You will need a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or equivalent qualification at exit level 3 or 4, depending on the institution, to qualify to study this course. However, it is not as important that you have taken mathematics and/or physical sciences as it is for the BCur. You will also need:

  • English (50-59%)
  • First additional or home language (50-59%)
  • Four other subjects (50-59%)
  • Life Orientation (50-59%)

What Does The Course Look Like?

During this course, you will cover similar work to what you would cover in the BCur degree. You will go less in-depth with the work as the course is shorter. You will learn how to provide nursing care, apply your knowledge in the nursing practice, diagnose and treat minor illnesses and provide reproductive health care.

Higher Certificate In Auxillary Nursing

This is a one-year program designed to teach you the skills you’ll need to offer basic nursing care to people while working under the supervision of a nurse with a national diploma or degree. You will be able to register as an enrolled nursing auxiliary after obtaining your higher certificate.

Entry Requirements

You will need a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or equivalent qualification at exit level 3 or 4, depending on the institution, to qualify to study this course, however, it is not as important that you have taken mathematics, physical sciences or life sciences as it is for the BCur. You will also need:

  • English (50-59%)
  • First additional or home language (50-59%)
  • Four other subjects (50-59%)
  • Life Orientation (50-59%)


This course will show you how to apply your understanding of basic nursing theory and practice to assess, plan, administer, and evaluate basic nursing care for people and groups.

Bethesda Hospital Nursing School Fees Structure 

SANC fees booklet, examination costs, residential fees, fees statement, quote fees, financing booklet, student fees, payment processes, funding, banking details, and other fees levied for the  academic year.

Fee And Fine Payable To Sanc

The fees and fines payable to the South African Nursing Council are regulated by the Regulations regarding Fees and Fines payable to the South African Nursing Council published by Government Notice No. R.170 of 8 March 2013 (as amended).

The amounts payable for the various fees are published by Notice in the Government Gazette – as and when the fee amounts are amended.  A list of the currently applicable notices can be found at the bottom of this web page.

If you want to pay your Annual Fees, go to the Annual Fees page.

  1. If you want to pay for the Restoration of your name to the register, go to the Restorations page.
  2. If you want to purchase Distinguishing Devices, go to the Distinguishing Devices page.

The information below applies to all other payments to SANC, and specifically to making payments into SANC’s bank account.  SANC encourages all clients to make use of its reference deposit bank account for all payments as the most cost and time-effective method of making such payments.

South African Nursing Council Reference Deposit Bank Account Details

South African Nursing Council prefers all payments to be made into its Reference Deposit Bank Account.  This account has been specially set up so that the details of the payer and the purpose for which the payment is made can be captured by the bank – which will significantly speed up the time taken to process payments.

The SANC’s Reference Deposit Bank Account details are as follows:

Council Bank Details:

Bank Name:First National Bank
Branch Name:Corporate Core Banking – Pretoria
Branch Code:253145
Account Name:S A Nursing Council No 2 Account
Account Number:514 211 86 193


While payments into this account can be made in person at any branch of FNB (First National Bank), electronic means such as Internet banking, cell phone banking, and ATM payments can also be used.  Some of these require that a payment beneficiary be set up on your bank/card account.  Please consult your own bank if you need any assistance in setting up a beneficiary.

Standard Bank clients should please select the option for paying a business account.  When asked to enter the name of the beneficiary, you should enter ‘S A Nursing Council’ – please note the SPACE between the ‘S’ and the ‘A’ otherwise you will not see SANC’s details listed.

The special feature of this reference deposit account is that it has the ability to capture the payer’s account number and a payment type code in the Reference details.

This information is verified (in the correct format) if paying at any FNB branch or when using FNB online banking.  Standard Bank’s system will insist on and only permit the account number to be captured.  For all other methods of electronic payments, it is up to the person making the payment to ensure that the correct information is provided.

See also: South African Nursing Council Examination Schedule

How To Use A Reference Deposit Account To Pay Fees Or Fines To The South African Nursing Council

No matter what method of payment you choose, albeit at an FNB branch or some form of electronic banking, you must please ensure that the deposit reference is correctly filled in.  The reference consists of two parts:

  1. Your SANC account number (8 digits); and
  2. A payment type code (7 CAPITAL LETTERS) – written immediately after the account number.

The following line is an example of what a correct reference will look like:

In this example, ‘12345678‘ is the account number and ‘ANLFEES‘ is the payment type code.  You will notice that the reference is always 15 characters long.

PLEASE NOTE that the above reference is only an example and you should not use the above details for making any payment (it will be rejected by the bank).  You must use your own reference number as the account number and choose the appropriate payment type code from the list given below.

STEP 1:  Check and write down your SANC account number.  This is the same as your SANC reference number which is always 8 digits long and starts with a ‘1’.

STEP 2:  Determine the appropriate payment type code from the list below and write it immediately after your SANC account number.  Do NOT leave a space between your account number and the payment type code

This is your correct reference to be used for this payment.  (Any future payments will use the same account number but the payment type code may change according to the purpose for which payment is being made.)


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