Motheo TVET College Admissions Points Score (APS) | How to Calculate Motheo TVET College APS
About Admission Point Score.
In South Africa, there are certain criteria observed before being admitted to any programme at any university in South Africa. One of these is meeting the required Admission Point Score (APS) for the programme in pursuit.
South African Universities uses APS points as one of the requirement to determine the qualification of applicants for their respective programmes. Each university has a unique formula to calculate your APS and below is the University of Witwatersrand, Motheo TVET College APS Score Calculator.
Motheo TVET College APS Calculation
To calculate your APS for Motheo TVET College, you will need to add your six subject percentages.
- If case you have more than six subjects, excluding Life Orientation.
- The University of Witwatersrand requires you to have six subjects in total when calculating your APS for Motheo TVET College.
Generally, for each matric subject you write, you obtain a point. The points you obtain for each course will depend on the percentage you score in that particular subject. The Admission Point Score (APS) is the total points you accumulate from each course.
- Applicants are required to meet the minimum APS in order to be considered for a specific program.
How to Calculate Motheo TVET College APS
Applicants will need to meet the minimum APS in order to be considered for a specific programme. Generally, you’ll get points for each matric subject that you write an exam for.
The points you get for each course will depend on the percentage that you score in that particular subject. The APS score is the total points you receive from each course.
Please note: meeting the bare minimum requirement is not always enough to get you into your desired degree programme, so push hard to get the highest marks you possibly can.
For More Information
If you have any problem regarding on how to calculate Motheo TVET College Admissions Points Score (APS), Kindly drop it on the Comment Box we will respond to it ASAP.
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