North-West University(NWU) Exam Timetables 2020-2021 | The North-West University(NWU) First and Second Semester Exams Time Table
We are pleased to keep you inform about Wit university Exam Timetables 2020-2021
Notices to students:
Please check timetables regularly, as they are continuously amended and updated (remember to refresh your page, and clear your caches).
- Instructions on how to clear your webpage caches (do so regularly to ensure that you always receive the latest versions of timetables):
- Clear your caches in Mozilla Firefox
- Clear your caches in Google Chrome
- You will not be allowed entry to test or examination venues without your student card. Distance learning students will gain entry to examination venues with a drivers license or ID document.
- Personal exam timetable
- Exam services are rendered by the Timetables and Assessment Section
- Distance (UODL) students must have a participation mark of at least 40% to write the examination (Except NPDE and ACE students)
Exam timetables (all campuses)
Students need to consult exam and class timetables before registering to identify possible clashes.
First semester 2020
- First and second opportunity – updated 22 January
Second semester 2020
- First and second opportunity – updated 22 January
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