Rules & Requirements for National Benchmark Test (NBT)
We pleased to keep you inform about the Rules & Requirements for the National Benchmark Test (NBT)
Writers are reminded that the test is undertaken in a secure proctored online environment. You will be monitored throughout the test to ensure that you follow all testing procedures. Your entire test session will be recorded. Please ensure that you comply with all test rules and requirements to avoid the invalidation of your test.
• You should take your test in a quiet room with a blank wall behind you, with good lighting.
• The Laptop or Computer camera must be operational and facing your face at all times during the
test, otherwise your session may be invalidated.
• There is a photo panel visible to you during your test so that you can check your camera is
functional and your face visible. If your face is not recognizable for any reason including poor
camera angle, lighting, etc, your test will be invalidated.
• Your face must be visible – No hoodies or clothing that obscures the face are allowed.
• You may not wear headphones/earphones/earbuds during the test session. Your test will be
invalidated if you do so.
• Any other person entering the room, or movement in the room will be picked up by the camera and
will invalidate your test session.
• You may only have a piece of paper and pen/pencil in the test room. Books, cell phones, smart watches, calculators, and any other items are strictly prohibited. These items will be picked up by
the system and will invalidate your test session.
• If you are using your cell phone as an internet hotspot, this must be placed away from your
workstation and must not be accessible during the test session at any time. If you do so your test
session will be invalidated. Please ensure the cell phone being used as a hotspot is connected to a
charger to avoid any unauthorized access to the cell phone during the session.
• Bathroom breaks are permitted but must be less than 5 minutes in duration. Please ensure that you
do not exit the test or the lockdown browser and ensure that your laptop or computer does not enter
“sleep” or “screen/power saver” mode while you are away as this may affect your session.
• You may have a bottle of water (or another liquid refreshment) with you during the test.
In order to write online you will require the following;
• Access to a quiet room with a blank wall behind you and good lighting.
• You will need an internet-linked laptop or computer equipped with a webcam, microphone and a
stable internet connection (Please ensure that you have access to the same computer for both the
simulation and test).
• You will need to have with you your valid ID or passport that was used when you registered to
write the NBT (If you do not have a South African ID booklet or foreign passport and you need to
use your birth certificate for ID verification, you will need an affidavit from the police including a
recent ID photograph that confirms your identity). This must be stamped with the relevant police
stamp or will not be accepted.
• Your laptop or computer should have the minimum specification as outlined on the table below.
Read more NBT Online Test Rules and Requirements