TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests

The TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests measure assesses your speaking and writing skills used in the workplace. You’ll respond to real-world questions and scenarios in spoken and written English. The tests use common everyday vocabulary, phrases, and key expressions used in a workplace environment.

You can take the Speaking and Writing tests together or separately. If you take them together with the TOEIC Listening and Reading test, you’ll get a complete measurement of all four English-language communication skills.

TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests

TOEIC Speaking Test format

  • Content: 11 questions
  • Time: about 20 minutes
  • Score scale: 0–200
 QuestionsTask Description
 1–2Read a text aloud
  • 45 seconds to prepare.
  • 45 seconds to read the text out loud.
 3–4Describe a picture
  • Describe the picture on screen in as much detail as possible.
  • 45 seconds to prepare a response.
  • 30 seconds to speak about the picture.
 5–7Respond to questions
  • 3 seconds per question to prepare a response.
  • 15 seconds to respond to questions 5 and 6.
  • 30 seconds to respond to question 7.
 8–10Respond to questions using information provided
  • 45 seconds to read the information before the questions begin.
  • 3 seconds per question to prepare their response.
  • 15 seconds to respond to questions 8 and 9.
  • Question 10 will be asked two times.
  • 30 seconds to respond to question 10.
 11Express an opinion
  • 45 seconds to prepare a response.
  • 60 seconds to speak.

TOEIC Writing Test format

  • Content: 8 questions
  • Time: about 60 minutes
  • Score scale: 0–200
 QuestionsTask Description
 1–5Write a sentence based on a picture
  • With each picture, you’ll be given two words or phrases that you need to use in a sentence.
  • You can change the forms of the words and use the words in any order.
 6–7Respond to a written request
  • Show how well you can write email responses.
  • 10 minutes to read and answer each email.
 8Write an opinion essay
  • Write an essay in response to a question that asks you to state, explain and support your opinion on an issue.
  • Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words.

 TOEIC Registration Tests

Learn how to register for the TOEIC tests to measure your English-language communication skills. How you’ll register depends on which TOEIC test you’re taking, and in which country you are taking the test. Read More


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