Worcester Nursing School official list of Courses offered, Worcester Nursing School Course Registration Status, Updated list of Worcester Nursing School courses, Worcester Nursing School postgraduate Courses and Degree programmes.
We are pleased to keep you informed about Worcester Nursing School List of courses offered, Worcester Nursing School second Semester courses, Worcester Nursing School Courses Registration, Worcester Nursing School Degree programmes offered, Worcester Nursing School Courses Outline, Worcester Nursing School Courses/programs Duration, Worcester Nursing School Careers, available in this notable institution.
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There are Three Types of Nursing in South Africa
Registered Nurses or Nursing Sister
They are responsible for the supervision of enrolled and enrolled Auxiliary Nurses as well typical responsibilities
Enrolled Nurses
They perform limited Nursing Care.
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries
They perform basic procedures and care for patience on a general Level.
What does a career in nursing entail?
Nursing, as a profession, is based on scientific knowledge which is acquired during the four years of study at a nursing college.
This knowledge will equip nurses to help prevent disease, to educate people on health issues, enhance health and support ill patients both physically and psychologically. As a dedicated health care professional, you will be required to treat every patient as an individual and consider all aspects of the patient e.g. their physical, psychological and social well-being.
A nurse is an independent practitioner guided by nursing acts and ethical codes. Nursing is an extremely rewarding career as you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s lives on a daily basis.
After completion of the four year basic nursing programme, an opportunity exists for qualified nurses to further their education in various specialties e.g. nursing education, nursing management, critical care nursing, trauma and emergency nursing, operating theater nursing, primary health care, orthopedic nursing, child nursing etc.
Qualifications needed to Become a Nurse
- To qualify as a Nurse you can do one of the following;
- A four year Bachelor Degree in Science
- A three year Diploma
- A one year higher certificate in Auxiliary Nursing
- One year post-graduate advanced diploma in Nursing and Midwifery on top of your degree or Diploma.
After you get your certificate, You have to register with the South Africa Nursing Council (SANC).
Worcester Nursing School Course
Information about the Worcester Nursing School Courses, admission form, admission requirements, School Fess schedule, handbook, grading system, Open day, how you can calculate your points and other Academic activities, can be accessed at the Worcester Nursing School Students Portal.
The Worcester Nursing School courses outline, handbook, prospectus, students brochure/ebook contains exhaustive information like Worcester Nursing School Courses, Faculties & Departmental Dues, Students Guide Book, Constitutional Law, Rules and Regulation, Courses/Programmes Duration, Application Dates, Registration Dates, Curriculum, Term Dates that will help you in your journey as a student.
Worcester Nursing School Programmes
This Page Also Content Related Nuggets Like;
- Worcester Nursing School intake Requirement,
- Worcester Nursing School Application pdf,
- Worcester Nursing School prospectus
- Worcester Nursing School Fees structure. you can find the above nuggets at https://zaupdates.com/
Worcester Nursing School Programmes
Below is the list of Worcester Nursing School Courses
NU-193 Special Topics in Nursing for First Year Students
LASC Categories: FYS
Introductory level course covering topics of special interest to first year students. Offered only as a First Year Seminar.
Every year. 3 Credits
NU-200 Introduction to Professional Nursing I
LASC Categories: NLL
Prerequisites: BI-161, BI-162, BI-206, CH-112, EN-101, EN-102
Prerequisites or Corequisite: NU-206 and HE-120.
Nursing is introduced as an art and science focusing on critical thinking and decision making. clinical occurs in on-campus labs and long-term care facilities.
Fall only and every year. 5 Credits
NU-203 Transition from LPN to Professional Nursing
Prerequisites: BI-161 BI-162 CH-112 EN-101 EN-102.
Prerequisites or Corequisite: BI-206 MA-150 PS-101
This course focuses on the transitions from the Licensed Practical Nurse to the Baccalaureate prepared Registered Nurse.
Fall only and every year. 1 Credit
NU-206 Principles of Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I
Prerequisites: BI-161 and BI-162 and CH-112 and BI-206 and EN-102
Prerequisites or Corequisite: NU-200 and HE-120
This course is a two-semester continuation course that combines assessment of the human conditions which result in pathophysiology. The pharmacological therapies are integrated into the content.
Fall only and every year. 3 Credits
NU-210 Introduction to Professional Nursing II
LASC Categories: NLL
Prerequisites: NU-200 NU-206 SO-100 PS-101
Corequisites: NU-216
Health of individuals and families is assessed. Communication, physicl assessment, nursing process and other skills for professional practice are introduced. Medication calculations continue and the administration of medication is introduced. Lecture, an on-campus laboratory on physical assessment and off-campus clinical experiences in sub-acute care agencies are included in this course.
Spring only and every year. 5 Credits
NU-213 Health Assessment for Track III
Prerequisites: NU-203 and NU-206, Track III only.
The LPN student will develop an increased knowledge base and skills related to performing a complete health assessment including a physical exam on the adult patient.
Spring only and every year. 3 Credits
NU-216 Principles of Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II
Prerequisites: NU-200 PS-101 SO-100 NU-206
Corequisites: NU 210 must be completed as a co-requisite.
The focus of this course is on the study of relationships of pathophysiology to pharmacotherapy. Students examine health problems across the lifespan which result in alterations in human functioning. The therapeutic pharmacological interventions which promote the reparative process are integrated into the content
Spring only and every year. 3 Credits
NU-309 Nursing Science I: Obstetrics (track I)
Prerequisites: NU-210 and NU-216
Students will apply the nursing process when caring for the childbearing family patients. Concepts of wellness, disease and health behaviors will be examined as the nursing process is operationalized in the care of the child-bearing family. Lecture and off-campus clinical experiences in maternal-child health nursing are included in this course.
Fall only and every year. 4.5 Credits
NU-310 Nursing Science I: Medical-Surgical Nursing (track I)
LASC Categories: NLL
Prerequisites: NU-210 and NU-216
Students will apply the nursing process when caring for the adult medical-surgical patients. Concepts of wellness, disease and health behaviors will be examined as the nursing process is operationalized in the care of adult medical-surgical patients. Lecture and off-campus clinical experiences in medical-surgical nursing are included in this course.
Fall only and every year. 4.5 Credits
NU-311 Nursing Science I: Medical-Surgical Nursing (track Iii)
LASC Categories: NLL
Prerequisites: NU-203, NU-213 and NU-216
Students will apply the nursing process when caring for adult medical-surgical patients. Concepts of wellness, disease and health behaviors will be examined as the nursing process is operationalized in the care of adult medical-surgical patients. Lecture and and off-campus clinical experiences in medical-surgical nursing are included in this course.
Fall only and every year. 3.5 Credits
NU-312 Nursing Science I: Obstetrics Track III
Prerequisites: NU-203 and NU-213 and NU-216
Students will apply the nursing process when caring for the childbearing family patients. Concepts of wellness, disease and health behaviors will be examined as the nursing process is operationalized in the care of the child-bearing family. Lecture and off-campus clinical experiences in maternal-child health nursing are included in this course.
Fall only and every year. 3.5 Credits
NU-315 Group Communication Seminar I
Prerequisites: NU-310 NU-430
Prerequisites or Corequisite: NU-340
The focus of this course is on effectively assessing, analyzing and problem solving the processes of group interactions with peers in the classroom in order to integrate this information into various health care settings.
Spring only and every year. 1 Credit
NU-332 Transition to Professional Nursing
LASC Categories: WAC
Prerequisites: EN-102 BI-161 BI-162 PS-101 SO-100 BI-206 MA-150.
Prerequisites or Corequisite: NU-333 and NU-334
This course focuses on nursing knowledge and theory as foundations of professional nursing. The elements of the Department of Nursing’s conceptual nursing practice model are analyzed and examined in terms of nursing, diagnostic, and teaching-learning processes. Legal, ethical and environmental factors are studied in relation to their impact on person/environment unity. The format is a hybrid or blended format. Track II only.
Fall only and every year. 3 Credits
NU-333 Nursing Informatics
LASC Categories: QR
Prerequisites: MA-150 BI-161 BI-162 EN-101 EN-102 PS-101 SO-100 BI-206
Prerequisites or Corequisite: NU-332 and NU-334
Nursing Informatics combines knowledge and skills from nursing science, computer science, information science and cognitive science to design and implement automated systems that support the nursing process in the delivery of healthcare services. Students will explore their own role as nurses in implementing patient-centered care in an environment of advancing technology. Students will critically evaluate health information systems and their role in patient safety, safe medication administration, maintenance of patient privacy, data security, and efficacy of health care processes. Meets online. Track II only.
Fall only and every year. 3 Credits
NU-334 Selected Mechanisms of Disease and Related Pharmocology
Prerequisites: MA-150 BI-161 BI-162 EN-101 EN-102 PS-101 SO-100 BI-206.
The focus of this course is on the study of the interrelatedness of pathophysiology and pharmacodynamics. This nursing focus examines health problems across the lifespan which produce alterations in human functioning and the subsequent response, along with the pharmacological management of these problems. Interventions focus on the reparative process. Meets in a blended/hybrid format. Track II only.
Fall only and every year. 3 Credits
NU-340 Nursing Science Ii: Pediatrics (track I)
LASC Categories: DAC, NLL
Prerequisites: # NU-210 NU-216 NU-309 NU-310 NU-430 # Take EN-250 EN-202 or EN-102;
Prerequisites or Corequisite: NU-315
Concepts of wellness, disease, and health behavior are examined as the nursing process is operationalized in the care of acutely ill pediatric patients. Lecture and an off-site clinical experience are included in this course.
Spring only and every year. 4.5 Credits
NU-342 Health Assessment
LASC Categories: NLL
Prerequisites: NU-332 and NU-333 and NU-334
Corequisites: NU-430 and NU-432
The nursing process is used as the organizing framework to identify person/environment unity of individuals. A variety of skills and theories relevant to professional nursing practice are utilized. The student will develop an increased knowledge base and skills related to performing a complete physical examination of the adult and pediatric client. The format is a weekly three-hour lab/lecture on campus. Track II only.
Spring only and every year. 4 Credits
NU-344 Nursing Science II: Medical/Surgical Nursing (Track III)
LASC Categories: NLL
Prerequisites: NU-203 and NU-216 and NU-213 and NU-311 and NU-312 and NU-430
Concepts of wellness, disease, and health behaviors are examined as the nursing process is operationalized in the care of the acutely ill medical-surgical patients. Lecture and an off-campus clinical experience are included in this course. Track III only.
Spring only and every year. 3.5 Credits
NU-345 Nursing Science Ii: Medical/Surgical Nursing (track I)
Prerequisites: NU-210 and NU-216 and NU-309 and NU-310 and NU-430
Concepts of wellness, disease, and health behavior are examined as the nursing process is operationalized in the care of the acutely ill medical-surgical patients. Lecture and an off-site clinical experience are included in this course.
Spring only and every year. 4.5 Credits
NU-346 Nursing Science II: Pediatric Track III
LASC Categories: DAC
Prerequisites: NU-203 and NU-213 and NU-216 and NU-311 and NU-312 and NU-430
Concepts of wellness, disease, and health behavior are examined as the nursing process is operationalized in the care of pediatric patients. Lecture and an off-site clinical experience are included in this course.
Spring only and every year. 3.5 Credits
NU-357 Global Perspectives in Health
LASC Categories: GP, ICW
Interactive course preparing students for global service immersion experience in partnership with host country.
Other or on demand and other or on demand. 3 Credits
NU-408 Directed Study: Nursing
Directed study offers students, who because of unusual circumstances may be unable to register for a course when offered, the opportunity to complete an existing course with an established syllabus under the direction and with agreement from a faculty member.
3 Credits
NU-415 Group Communication Seminar II
Prerequisites: NU-315 and NU-430
Prerequisites or Corequisite: NU-440
The independent and interdependent role of the professional nurse as an agent of change is examined.
Fall only and every year. 1 Credit
NU-430 Research Seminar in Nursing (track I and Track III)
LASC Categories: QAC
Prerequisites: NU-210, NU-216 and MA-150. Or take NU-203, NU-213 and MA-150.
Prerequisites or Corequisite: NU-310
The focus is on the development of the student as a consumer of nursing research and the utilization of research findings in practice.
Fall only and every year. 3 Credits
NU-431 Research Seminar in Nursing (Track II)
LASC Categories: QAC
Prerequisites: NU-332 and NU-333 and NU-334 and MA-150
The focus is on the development of the student as a consumer of nursing research and the utilization of research findings in practice.
Spring only and every year. 3 Credits
NU-432 Advanced Nursing Perspectives in Chronic Illness
LASC Categories: DAC
The focus of this course is on the study and practice of nursing directed at health promotion/prevention/restoration of clients with chronic person/environment disunity. The format is a hybrid course. Track II only.
Fall only and every year. 3 Credits
NU-440 Nursing Science Iii: Community/Public Health Nursing (track I and Track Iii)
LASC Categories: NLL
Prerequisites: 1 group # Take NU-309 NU-310 NU-315 NU-340 NU-345 NU-430 NU-315; # Take NU-311 NU-312 NU-430 NU-344 NU-346;
Students practice professional nursing concepts and identify multiple aspects of community and public health issues. Critical thinking and decision making skills are developed and applied. Lecture and off-campus clinical experiences are included in this course.
Fall only and every year. 4 Credits
NU-441 Nursing Science III: Mental Health Nursing (track I and Track Iii)
Prerequisites: Track I-take NU-309 and NU-310 and NU-315 and NU-340 and NU-430 and NU-345 and NU-315. Track III-take NU-311 and NU-312 and NU-346 and NU-430 and NU-344.
Students practice professional nursing concepts and identify multiple aspects of mental health issues. Critical thinking and decision making skills are developed and applied. Lecture and off-campus clinical experiences are included in this course.
Fall only and every year. 4 Credits
NU-450 Leadership in Nursing
LASC Categories: WAC
Prerequisites: NU-415 NU-440
Corequisites: NU-460 NU-470 as a required corequisite
This course focuses on theories of leadership, management, delegation and supervision, which supports the knowledge skills and values integrated by the nurse into professional leadership behavior. Current trends in nursing and in research relating to nursing leadership and management are explored.
Spring only and every year. 3 Credits
NU-452 Professional Nursing Leadership and Organization
Prerequisites: NU-342 and NU-430 and NU-432
Prerequisites or Corequisite: NU-472 and NU-473
Hybrid Format. Track II only.
Fall only and every year. 3 Credits
NU-460 Nursing Science IV
Prerequisites: NU-415 NU-440
Corequisites: NU-450 NU-470 as required corequisite
The focus is on theories of leadership management, change, and communication which support development of professional nursing. Complex health problems are studied in classrooms and clinical settings.
Spring only and every year. 3 Credits
NU-470 Nursing: Capstone
LASC Categories: CAP, NLL
Prerequisites: NU-415 NU-440
Corequisites: NU-450 NU-460
This 7 credit course focuses on EB Practice in which students will demonstrate the integration and synthesis of all previous learning in the nursing major. Complex health problems will be studied in the clinical setting. Preceptorship opportunities are available to eligible students.
Spring only and every year. 7 Credits
NU-472 Community/Public Health Nursing
LASC Categories: CAP, NLL
Prerequisites: NU-342 and NU-430 and NU-432
Prerequisites or Corequisite: NU-452 and NU-473
The focus of this course is on the study and practice of community-oriented nursing. Theories and environmental factors which influence the health of communities are analyzed. The format is a four-hour lecture/seminar. Hybrid format. Track II only.
Fall only and every year. 6 Credits
NU-473 Health Policy
Prerequisites: NU-342 and NU-430 and NU-432
Corequisites: NU-452 and NU-472
This course introduces the basic framework for health policy with focus on research, review and analysis of the major components of the US health policies in health care. Online/blended format. Track II only.
Fall only and every year. 3 Credits
NU-480 Independent Study in Nursing
Opportunities for students to engage in special studies in nursing according to individual interests and faculty availability.
Fall and Spring and every year. 1-6 Credits.
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