NSFAS Bursary 2023 Application & Requirements
About NSFAS Bursary
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a South African government student financial aid scheme that provides financial aid to poor undergraduate students to help pay for the cost of their tertiary education after finishing high school.
It is funded by the Department of Higher Education and Training. The program also manages bursaries such as the Funza Lushaka Teacher Bursary (for students pursuing a teaching qualification), DHET Disability Bursary, and other bursaries from the Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs).
NSFAS Application Date 2023
Following the steps below, you can apply online using a cellphone, tablet, or computer
NSFAS Bursary 2023 Application & Requirements
The following basic requirements must be met in order to apply for any of the NSFAS bursaries; applicants must:
- Be South African citizens
- Comply with the entry requirements set by the universities of their choice / have proof of registration or acceptance to said university
Once successfully awarded the bursary, students must pass all courses and complete the qualification within the minimum time frame prescribed by the particular university to avoid the risk of having to repay the bursary amount.
In some cases, bursars may be required to report their particular NSFAS bursary exam results in order to continue to receive funding.
All applications will require certified copies of the following:
- ID document
- Grade 12 results
- Parent/guardian’s ID and employment documents (salary slips/pensions slips if applicable/affidavit if unemployed)
- Proof of university acceptance/registration
NSFAS Bursary Package
Unless otherwise stated, the bursary fund will allow for a portion of, if not all of, the following study-related costs:
- Tuition
- Accommodation
- Meals
- Travel
- Prescribed books/study material
NSFAS 2023 Requirements
- Your own cellphone number and email address
- Copy of your ID or birth certificate
- ID copies of parents, guardian or spouse
- Your proof of income or 1 year’s IRP5 (if applicable)
- Your parents, guardian, or spouse’s proof of income
- If you are a SASSA grant recipient, no proof of income will be required
- Applicants with a disability must submit a completed and signed Disability Annexure A Form.
- An applicant who is recognized as a Vulnerable Child by the Department of Social Development must provide a completed and signed Vulnerable Child Declaration and Consent Form.
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