SANSOR Post Graduate Bursary 2022
We (Zaupdates Team) pleased to keep you updated about SANSOR Post Graduate Bursary 2022
SANSOR wants to help deserving post-graduate students by supporting them financially to obtain their post-graduate degrees (Honours, Masters, and Doctorate) to enable them to contribute to the seed industry by doing high-quality scientific research in the following areas: Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Agronomy, Horticulture, Pasture Science, Biotechnology, Plant Physiology, Genetics, and Molecular Plant Biology.
The subject of study must support the vision and mission of SANSOR and be advantageous to the seed industry. Doctorate and post-doctorate support will only be considered if the subject is of high priority to the seed industry.
The bursary scheme is open to South African-born citizens who have qualified for admission to an Honours, MSc or a PhD degree at a recognized tertiary institution.
The bursary is awarded on merit, and in the case of a PhD, according to the requirements of SANSOR for the specific study. The number of successful applicants will depend on the availability of funds.
How does it work?
Students will have to be registered for the degree in question before funds will be made available. The bursary will be paid directly into the student’s account at the respective university in two tranches. The allocation of a bursary in one year should not be regarded as a guarantee that it will be repeated in succeeding years. Bursary allocations for subsequent years will be re-evaluated upon receipt of an acceptable progress report from both the student and the academic supervisor.
Practical assistance
SANSOR’s bursary programme also aims to help students become more employable by hosting “soft skills” workshops from time to time. Successful candidates will also get the opportunity to learn more about the seed industry through field trips to seed companies and networking opportunities with seed industry professionals.
Progress reports
An annual progress report must be submitted by the student and the academic supervisor. A final report in the form of a thesis as well as a summary should be submitted by the student after completion of the degree. SANSOR also asks to be informed about any publications on the research project.
Selection of candidates
Candidates should submit the SANSOR bursary application form before the annual closing date. Successful candidates will be informed as soon as possible. This bursary can’t be held in conjunction with other government funding and candidates should inform SANSOR of all other government funding received. Depending on the source and amount of funds appropriate contracts will be signed.
How to apply
SANSOR’s bursary call will open each year on the 1st of August and will close on the 30th of September.
Download the application form here and send the completed form to [email protected]
Your Application
Your application must include the following documents:
- Typed Application Form
- Identity Document
- Degree Certificates (If received)
- Gantt Chart – Timeline
- Transcripts