Academy for Facilities Management Open Day 2019/2020

Academy for Facilities Management open date 2019/2020 | The A4FM open date, fees, academic calendar, prospective, registration dates 2019/2020 for all programmes have been released for the 2019 academic session.
Academy for Facilities Management Open Day

We are pleased to inform all the newly admitted students and staffs of the Academy for Facilities Management that the school management has announced the open dates for the commencement of the 2019/2020 academic session activities,

Academy for Facilities Management Open Day 2019/2020

The Academy for Facilities Management Freshers & Returning students, Students Leaders & Staffs are expected to resume ASAP for academic activities.

However, if you have any difficulty regarding the Academy for Facilities Management opening date 2020/2021, Kindly drop a comment we will respond to it as soon as possible. And Don’t hesitate to like our social platforms in order to share, discuss & get the latest updates about the institution.


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