UAC Interstate Application for NSW and ACT Universities

Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) Interstate applicants for NSW and ACT university


UAC provides a centralized system for applying to world-class universities in NSW and the ACT. If you’re considering tertiary study, why not factor in these high-quality institutions? It’s a pretty big deal to move away from home straight after school.

But if you’re looking for independence and a chance to be in the driver’s seat, then studying in NSW or the ACT is a great option with a multitude of possibilities. It pays to do your research and to find out as much as you can about the areas of study and units that interest you.

Which uni, which course?

When you’ve decided that studying away from home is for you, the next questions are: which institution and which course? There are many different institutions of varying sizes and locations to choose from and there are more than 2,000 undergraduate courses available through UAC.

Universities offer longstanding, well-rounded academic opportunities. Private colleges often offer specialist courses that are flexible and can adapt quickly to changes in the industry. Courses at most private colleges are full fee-paying which means your course costs are not subsidized by the Australian Government. However, you may be eligible for FEE-HELP, a government loan scheme that helps students repay their tuition fees once their income meets a certain amount.


Tips for choosing a university

When choosing the university or college you’d like to attend, think about the following:

  • Is the university in a city or town where I can get casual work?
  • Is there on-campus accommodation?
  • Is there public transport close by?
  • What scholarships are available to help me with study and living expenses?


Finding accommodation

There are many different types of on-campus accommodation, from fully catered to self-catered. Fees vary and you should research all types of accommodation to see which suits your budget.

Contact the institutions you are interested in and ask for a prospectus, which will outline the facilities that are available. Don’t wait until the last weeks to get organised, as on-campus accommodation fills quickly. Renting independently or in a share house is another option. University housing services can help you to find other students in a similar situation.

Ready to apply?

If you know the courses you’re applying for, the application will only take you about 20 minutes. Here’s a checklist of what you need to have ready to apply:

  • your Year 12 student number (you’ll also be asked to enter a PIN, which is your date of birth – you can change it after you’ve applied)
  • your UCAT candidate number, if you’re applying for a medical degree
  • your chosen courses (up to five if you’re a domestic applicant for undergraduate study) and their course codes, which can be found on the course search on UAC’s website, in the My UAC app and in the dropdown menu in the application itself
  • a credit card (MasterCard or Visa) to pay the processing fee. You can also pay by BPay.

We recommend you apply before the early-bird closing date (the last business day in September). If you apply after this date you will pay a higher processing charge. Once you’ve applied you can change your course preferences as many times as you like at no charge.

Some courses have earlier application closing dates than the UAC closing dates or additional selection criteria, such as an interview or portfolio. Check these details in the course descriptions via the course search.



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